We are a whole lot more

than a publisher

Our Mission is to spread your voice around the World through

your books and other mediums.

Join the Boomer Autor Community for

Yours and Humanity’s benefit.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Flag of the USA, Texturised
United Kingdom Flag-UK Flag
Turkish flag

We are serving you from Germany with

High Standards and Quality and with ​Much Love.

Floral Border Frame

Boomer Autor is deeply committed to fostering a ​culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ​within our community. While our platform initially ​focuses on amplifying the voices of women baby ​boomers, we wholeheartedly embrace and ​encourage the participation of authors from all ​walks of life and from around the world, irrespective ​of age, gender, race, or any other identity attribute. ​Our dedication to DEI is a cornerstone of our ethos, ​guiding us to create a diverse, equitable, and ​inclusive environment where every author's voice ​can be heard and valued. We believe that by ​embracing a broad spectrum of perspectives and ​experiences, Boomer Autor becomes a richer, more ​vibrant platform that truly reflects the diversity of ​the world we live in.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.


Aslı C Ayten MA., Founder & CEO

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Each author will have personal access to collaborate with Aslı.

What is the experience like ​working with Aslı?

You have a very delicate voice, a ​very gentle way of speaking, very ​simple exercises(but very ​innovative), you have a wild ​mind. But you help others to ​drive deep into themselves to ​find their authentic thoughts and ​expression. And you do that not ​being too much super imposing ​yourself. Overall you give respect ​to others, make them feel heard.

I truly believe you can and you ​will change a lot of life with your ​angel like approach.

- Anindita

Important. Significant. ​Supported. Held. Uplifted. ​Valued.

- Carmen

SUCH an AMAZING writing ​session!

Normally I do NOT like writing ​because if mild dyslexia and this ​session has REALLY given me ​confidence to write and know I ​AM capable of creating great ​written work which I have ​avoided for years! Thank you SO ​SO much! Absolutely brilliantly ​presented session too! Love it! ​Thanks Sister 😘

- Fazzy

Your service makes me feel ​WARMTH AND REASSURANCE

- Ruth

Thank you so much for ​getting me unstuck and ​providing so much value! I ​LOVE to be part of this ​writing community.

- Edyta

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

The Team


Global Ambassador


Head of Liaison


Head of Backoffice


Founder & CEO


Head of Relations


Head of Backoffice


Delivery Lead


Head of Revenue


Designer & Artist

Asu Can

Head of Digital


Digital Relations


Global Funding


Boomer Retreats


Boomer Retreats


Global Campaigns

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Our Current Projects Leading to Multiple Outcome

Sesimiz: A Legacy in Making: German-Turkish Women's Life Stories

Vision: Spotlight and celebrate the resilience and achievements of German-Turkish women.

Mission: Document and share stories to foster intercultural understanding and appreciation.

Project Goal: Creating a powerful online space dedicated to German-Turkish women's history, including artifacts, ​interviews, personal diaries, photographs, and more.

Hosting webinars, guest lectures, and interactive panels celebrating German-Turkish Women's contribution to ​Germany's socio-cultural fabric.

Contact us for full production schedule and other queries

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

My Word My Voice - 3 Books - Released - Nov ‘23

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Supporting Limited Edition Products via our MWMV.STORE

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Our Earth Restorative Tree Planting Pledge

Boomer Autor, based in Germany, is proud to announce our partnership with One Tree Planted, reflecting our shared vision for a greener planet. We are passionately committed to ​planting 1 million trees, and with each purchase of "My Word, My Voice", we promise to plant a tree in honor of your contribution. You are invited to give your tree a special identity by ​naming it – it could encapsulate your essence or commemorate a cherished one. In recognition of your part in this initiative, a joint certificate from Boomer Autor and One Tree Planted ​will be presented to you.

If you're moved to further support this cause, consider additional donations through Boomer Autor. We ensure that every dollar you donate directly translates to a tree planted. Your ​benevolent gesture will be validated with a certificate, co-issued by Boomer Autor and One Tree Planted, as a testament to our combined effort to nurture Mother Earth.

Furthermore, as a testament to our dedication, Boomer Autor has onboarded all our esteemed authors to join this pledge, fortifying our mission to make a lasting impact.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

From Germany to the World

1000 BOOKS 1000 VOICES

Germany, Berlin

In collaboration with an official German ISBN supplier, Boomer Autor has secured 1000 ISBN numbers and currently ​actively recruiting authors in Germany and across the globe to fulfill our goal. If you are considering publishing a book or ​you are a published author from another part of the world, please contact us for a conversation.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

360 Author Journey

We offer exceptional 360 author journey on a global scale for you to share stories and ​wisdom with the world.

360 Degrees Icon

We are here to guide you on this journey, offering a comprehensive 360-degree approach to ​book publishing, from ideation to publication and marketing. We provide coaching and full-scope ​project management, working with you every step of the way.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Book Pile Literature Hardback Leisure Fiction Read
Floral Border Frame
  • Comprehensive Publication Services: The Publisher commits to providing a ​full suite of publication services. This comprehensive support includes the ​editing of the manuscript, formatting the text for publication, designing an ​attractive cover, printing the specified number of copies, distributing the ​book to various channels, promoting the book to potential readers, and ​representing the book in various capacities. Additionally, the Publisher takes ​responsibility for developing and maintaining the Author's online presence, ​encompassing the creation and management of a dedicated website, active ​social media profiles, and eCommerce platforms to facilitate online sales.
  • Revenue Distribution: The Author is entitled to a substantial share of 70% ​of the net revenues generated from the sales of the book, while the ​Publisher is allocated a 30% share. This distribution applies to the net ​revenues, which are calculated by subtracting direct costs associated with ​the book's production, distribution, and sale from the gross revenues. Direct ​costs include the printing of 250 copies of the book, shipping, marketing ​efforts, and any fees charged by third-party distributors.
  • Author's Financial Obligations: In return for the extensive services provided ​by the Publisher, the Author agrees to pay a monthly service fee after the ​book is printed and in distribution. This fee covers any external services that ​the Publisher secures on behalf of the Author to enhance the book's ​marketability and the Author's personal brand.
  • Guaranteed Financial Safety Net: To protect the Author's financial interests, ​the Publisher offers a guarantee that the Author's total expenditures related ​to the book's publication will not surpass the total revenues earned from the ​book's sales. This guarantee ensures that the Author will not experience a ​financial loss from the decision to publish their work, providing a safety net ​that covers the entirety of the publication process.

Price: Discounts and Payment plans available. Speak to us.

Single Book Based Services and Cost

Boomer Autor






Customized print, ​launch, and ​distribution planning

Regular progress review


uidance sessions

Print Design and ​Print ​Coordination

Tailored marketing

and promotional






Publishing contract

Personalized book ​website with creation ​with eCommerce ​capabilities

Custom roadmap to ​maximize the potential of ​your book and envision a ​brilliant future

Book Launch and ​Publicity Roadmap - ​Including Speaker ​Opportunity

Editorial support

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Your Journey

Discover Your Life's Quest:

Publish Your Book with Confidence and Clarity

a. You are ready to commit time towards your book writing Journey or available to support us writing ​your Book for an additional charge.

b. We will provide minimum one hour a week touch base reviewing your progress and readiness. Up to ​5 hours per week for those who are ready to fast track to have their book published.

c. We will begin to coordinate print and distribution planning and finalization for printing.

d. We will develop a customized marketing and promotional plans and based on your budget will ​coordinate engagement with third party Public Relations, promotion or representing agencies.

e. We will provide you with editorial support.

f. We will coordinate and project manage the launch of your own book website with eCommerce ​capability (you will sell your own book via website plus have booking option for parties to book you).

g. We will create a future facing customized roadmap inclusive of custom marketing and promotional ​strategies for you on how you will can capitalize, maximize or benefit on your book. This is inclusive of ​Speaker and Showcase opportunities around the world.

h. Personalized book website creation with eCommerce capabilities

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Why Choose Us?

Expert Guidance

Our experienced team will lead you through the process with commitment and focus, ensuring your journey ​to publication is smooth and enjoyable.

Proven Track Record

With a diverse range of projects under our belt, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve ​your goal of publishing your book.

Creative Strategies

Our background as idea generators will help you expand your horizons and unleash the full potential of your ​book.

Comprehensive Approach

Our end-to-end service ensures that every aspect of your book project is taken care of, from drafting to ​marketing and everything in between.

Flexible Commitment

Our month-by-month retainer allows you to pause or cancel with just 15 days' notice. We also offer payment ​plans and royalty agreements to accommodate various budget needs.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

About Aslı

Aslı brings a unique blend of academic expertise, ​linguistic proficiency, creative writing, and a strong ​educational background, making her an ideal Writer's ​Support person. Her experience as a Research Associate ​at the University of Wuppertal, where she collaborated ​on the further development of teaching materials for the ​‘Rucksack Schule Program’, testifies to her capability in ​research and material development. As a Heritage ​Language Instruction Teacher, she cultivated a strong ​grasp of languages, namely German, Turkish, English, ​and French. Asli's role as a student assistant and tutor ​refined her skills in guiding and mentoring, crucial ​attributes for supporting writers. Her PhD research on ​"Heritage Language Instruction in the State of North ​Rhine-Westphalia from the teachers' perspective" ​underscores her meticulous investigative skills. Apart ​from her formal roles, her extracurricular work, including ​advanced training in learning therapy, assistant director ​of a Musical, and project creation for "Capital of Culture ​2010" showcase her creativity and dedication to holistic ​development. Therefore, Asli's multifaceted background, ​combined with her passion for transformative, creative, ​scientific, poetic, and deconstructive writing, empowers ​her to guide clients to successfully complete books that ​align with the industry's highest standards.

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.


Aslı Can Ayten

Boomer Author

Gewerbeschulstraße 62

42289 Wuppertal

Contact: Contact

Phone: 017677864200

E-Mail: asli@boomerautor.de

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure

before a consumer arbitration board

Source: https://www.e-recht24.de


Aslı Can Ayten

Boomer Autor

Gewerbeschulstraße 62

42289 Wuppertal


Telefon: 017677864200

E-Mail: asli@boomerautor.de


Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren

vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen

Quelle: https://www.e-recht24.de

© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.

Privacy policy

Responsible for data processing is:

Boomer Autor (owner Aslı Can Ayten)

Gewerbeschulstr. 62

42289 Wuppertal


Thank you for your interest in our website. The protection of your privacy is very important to us. Below you will find detailed ​information on how we handle your data.

1. access data and hosting

You can visit our website without providing any personal data. Each time a website is accessed, the web server merely ​automatically saves a so-called server log file, which contains, for example, the name of the requested file, your IP address, ​the date and time of access, the amount of data transferred and the requesting provider (access data) and documents the ​access.

2. data collection and use for contract processing

We collect personal data when you provide it to us as part of your order or when you contact us (e.g. via contact form or e-​mail). Mandatory fields are marked as such, as in these cases we need the data to process the contract or to process your ​contact and you cannot complete the order or send the contact without providing it. Which data is collected can be seen ​from the respective input forms. We use the data provided by you in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1

3. data transfer

In order to fulfill the contract in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR, we pass on your data to the shipping ​company commissioned with the delivery, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery of ordered goods. Depending on which ​payment service provider you select in the ordering process, we will pass on the payment data collected for the processing of ​payments to the credit institution commissioned with the payment and, if applicable, to payment service providers ​commissioned by us.

4. contact options and your rights

As the data subject, you have the following rights

In accordance with Art. 15 GDPR, the right to request information about your personal data processed by us to the extent ​specified therein;

In accordance with Art. 16 GDPR, the right to request the immediate rectification of incorrect or incomplete personal data ​stored by us

In accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, the right to request the deletion of your personal data stored by us.

For consent or objection to a specific use of data, please contact us directly using the contact details in our legal notice.

Data protection officer:

Aslı Can Ayten

Gewerbeschulst. 62

42289 Wuppertal



Verantwortliche für die Datenverarbeitung ist:

Boomer Autor (Inh. Aslı Can Ayten)

Gewerbeschulstr. 62

42289 Wuppertal


Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse an unserer Website. Der Schutz Ihrer Privatsphäre ist für uns sehr wichtig. Nachstehend informieren wir ​Sie ausführlich über den Umgang mit Ihren Daten.

1. Zugriffsdaten und Hosting

Sie können unsere Webseiten besuchen, ohne Angaben zu Ihrer Person zu machen. Bei jedem Aufruf einer Webseite speichert der ​Webserver lediglich automatisch ein sogenanntes Server-Logfile, das z.B. den Namen der angeforderten Datei, Ihre IP-Adresse, Datum und ​Uhrzeit des Abrufs, übertragene Datenmenge und den anfragenden Provider (Zugriffsdaten) enthält und den Abruf dokumentiert.

2. Datenerhebung und -verwendung zur Vertragsabwicklung

Wir erheben personenbezogene Daten, wenn Sie uns diese im Rahmen Ihrer Bestellung oder bei einer Kontaktaufnahme mit uns (z.B. per ​Kontaktformular oder E-Mail) mitteilen. Pflichtfelder werden als solche gekennzeichnet, da wir in diesen Fällen die Daten zwingend zur ​Vertragsabwicklung, bzw. zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Kontaktaufnahme benötigen und Sie ohne deren Angabe die Bestellung nicht abschließen, ​bzw. die Kontaktaufnahme nicht versenden können. Welche Daten erhoben werden, ist aus den jeweiligen Eingabeformularen ersichtlich. ​Wir verwenden die von ihnen mitgeteilten Daten gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1

3. Datenweitergabe

Zur Vertragserfüllung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO geben wir Ihre Daten an das mit der Lieferung beauftragte ​Versandunternehmen weiter, soweit dies zur Lieferung bestellter Waren erforderlich ist. Je nach dem, welchen Zahlungsdienstleister Sie im ​Bestellprozess auswählen, geben wir zur Abwicklung von Zahlungen die hierfür erhobenen Zahlungsdaten an das mit der Zahlung ​beauftragte Kreditinstitut und ggf. von uns beauftragte Zahlungsdienstleister weiter.

4. Kontaktmöglichkeiten und Ihre Rechte

Als Betroffener haben Sie folgende Rechte:

  • gemäß Art. 15 DSGVO das Recht, in dem dort bezeichneten Umfang Auskunft über Ihre von uns verarbeiteten personenbezogenen ​Daten zu verlangen;
  • gemäß Art. 16 DSGVO das Recht, unverzüglich die Berichtigung unrichtiger oder Vervollständigung Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten ​personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen;

gemäß Art. 17 DSGVO das Recht, die Löschung Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen.

Bei Einwilligungen oder Widerspruch gegen eine bestimmte Datenverwendung wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an uns über die Kontaktdaten ​in unserem Impressum.


Aslı Can Ayten

Gewerbeschulst. 62

42289 Wuppertal


© 2023 Boomer Autor, Germany. All rights reserved.